Empowering individuals and their families at the end of life

“Aypril always knows just what to say to help me through this transition with my mother.”

— AF., Client

Compassionate death doula support offers a profound and empathetic approach to end-of-life care, providing individuals and their families with the guidance, comfort, and understanding they need during this sacred transition. My services are tailored to honor each person's unique journey, ensuring that their final moments are filled with dignity, love, and peace. I provide practical support and emotional solace, helping navigate the complexities of end-of-life decisions and creating a space where meaningful conversations and connections can flourish.

For families, compassionate death doula support extends to helping them cope with the emotional and logistical challenges that accompany the end of a loved one's life. I offer a steady presence, listening ear, and gentle guidance, allowing families to focus on what matters most—being present and cherishing the time they have together. My approach is rooted in empathy and respect, ensuring that every individual's and family's needs and wishes are met with the utmost care and sensitivity.

Compassionate support through life’s final transition

Advanced Care Planning

Preparing advanced care documents for end-of-life is a crucial step in ensuring your wishes are honored, and your loved ones are supported. I offer compassionate and personalized guidance throughout this process, helping you navigate the complexities of living wills, healthcare proxies, and other essential directives. My goal is to make this experience as smooth and stress-free as possible, providing clear explanations and empathetic support. By working together, we ensure that your values and desires are clearly documented, giving you and your family peace of mind during this significant transition.

Photo of four generations hands by Curt Dawson

Photo credit: Curt Dawson

Emotional Support

Providing emotional support for individuals and families at the end of life is at the heart of my mission. I understand that this time can be incredibly challenging and filled with a range of emotions and uncertainties. My compassionate approach ensures that both the individual and their loved ones receive the care, understanding, and comfort they need. Through active listening, empathetic presence, and tailored support, I help alleviate the emotional burden, allowing everyone to focus on meaningful connections and cherished moments. My goal is to create a supportive and nurturing environment where feelings are honored and each journey is respected.

Note: This image is a digital creation and not a photograph of an actual individual.


For those choosing medical aid in dying, I offer specialized support to ensure this deeply personal decision is approached with dignity, respect, and compassion. I provide comprehensive guidance through the process, ensuring clarity and understanding every step of the way. My empathetic presence offers emotional comfort, creating a safe space for individuals and their families to express their feelings and find peace. By honoring your choices and providing unwavering support, I help navigate this profound journey with grace and sensitivity, ensuring your wishes are respected and your final moments are filled with care and love.

Grief Coaching

In times of profound transition, whether facing the end of life or coping with the loss of a loved one, grief can feel overwhelming and isolating. My grief coaching offers a compassionate space where your emotions are honored and your journey is supported. Together, we navigate the complexities of grief, providing gentle guidance and deep empathy to help you find moments of peace and understanding. Whether you are approaching your own transition or mourning someone dear, you don't have to walk this path alone—I am here to support you every step of the way.

Are you curious to see if working with Aypril would be a good fit for you or your family? Book a free 20-minute call to talk.

What clients are saying…

  • "Aypril always knows just what to say to help me through this transition with my mother."

    A.F., Client

  • "When I reached out to Aypril, my grief was overwhelming me, keeping me from moving forward. It's still hard, but I feel supported in what I need. Some days that means staying home and crying and others it means being with people. Aypril always makes me feel safe so I can talk about ALL of my feelings and not have to put on a show."

    T.W., Client

  • "When we got the diagnosis, we were overwhelmed and didn't know what to do first. Having Aypril's support guide us though this was invaluable."

    S.H., Client


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(360) 339-8905